Etherstone Changes and Multilanguage rulebook
Dear Noburians,
We hope everyone is doing well!
Small changes to the PPC
In the previous Update, we did the Unboxing for Etherstone and the Deluxe edition. We read your comments and suggestions and decided to take some time to work on your requests.
We added finger holes to the three boxes to open the lid more easily.
We changed the color of the fabric stripe inside the Deluxe edition
We also created distinct boxes for each playmat in case you want to store them inside the box and for logistic purposes.
Multilanguage Rulebooks
We are done with the layout of the rulebook in each language, and currently, we are working on proofing all languages. Let us know how you feel about the layout and the overall rulebooks. After this last stage, we should be ready to organize for production.
Thank you so much for your continuous support and talking again soon!
Sincerely yours,
Thundergryph Games